Complementary phase
Symmetrical boost/cut
Calibrated controls
Complementary Phase
Parametric Equalizer
Automatic bypass switching
Gold-socketed p.c. boards
Secure screwdriver adjust
Long-term reliability
Sound system equalization
Recording studio tuning
Resonance elimination
Early echo suppression
The Meyer Sound CP-10S Complemen- in the most difficult acoustical environ-
tary Phase Parametric Equalizer is a two-
channel unit, each channel comprising
five bands of fully parametric equalization
ments. (For more information on SIM
System II, contact Meyer Sound.)
The CP-10S also serves as a very effec-
and individual high- and low-cut shelving tive, high-quality equalizer for music re-
filters. Screwdriver-adjustable controls
assure freedom from tampering.
cording monitors. Its graceful, symmetri-
cal parametric filters and natural phase
characteristics ensure maximum flexibil-
ity with minimum sonic perturbation.
Coupled with very low harmonic distor-
tion and a 110 dB dynamic range, these
attributes place the CP-10S in a class with
the finest room equalizers available.
With specifications to meet the most
demanding professional requirements,
the Meyer Sound CP-10S offers uncom-
promised performance in recording and
reinforcement applications. Individually
socketed, field-replaceable circuit cards
The CP-10S is designed for precision
room equalization in sound reinforce-
ment or studio monitoring, and features
Meyer Sound’s exclusive Complementary
Phase circuitry. Capable of matching ex-
actly the properties of typical acoustic
resonances and reflections, this unique
circuitry makes possible simultaneous
improvements to an installed system’s
amplitude and phase response.
The CP-10S equalizer is an integral
component of Meyer Sound’s proprietary
SIM® (Source Independent Measurement) and automatic bypass switching ensure
System II. Coupling high-resolution, in-
concert, multiple-point measurement
with Complementary Phase equalization,
this revolutionary technology assures un-
precedented sound system performance
maximum reliability with extended use.
2832 San Pablo Avenue
Berkeley, CA 94702
(510) 486-1166
FAX (510) 486-8356
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