Activity Guide
LER 1183
Children will enjoy open-ended creative play with
ABC Cookies. As children grow and learn, challenge
them by adding a level of difficulty to these games
and activities.
Game 1—Quick Cookie
2–4 Players • Ages: 3+ / Grades: PreK+
Turn all the cookies right side up and place them
in the middle of the play area. Pass out two cards
with orange borders to each player. On the count of
three, all players race to find the cookies that match
all six letters on their cards.
18 Self-checking beginning consonant cards
(purple and yellow borders)
9 Self-checking uppercase/lowercase alphabet cards
(orange and blue borders)
Other Quick Cookie Games:
Play the same game with the blue-bordered cards
facing up to match uppercase and lowercase al-
phabet cookies. At the end of the game, turn the
cards over to check your answers.
18 Self-checking missing letter cards
(red and green borders)
42 Alphabet Cookies
2 Spinners
Place the red-bordered cards in a pile in the center
of the play area next to the cookies. Be the first
player to find the missing alphabet cookie and
place it on the card. Check answers on the back
of the card. If you are correct, take the card. The
player who has the most cards at the end of the
game wins.
cookies match letters on one of your cards,
place it the cookies over those letters.
For emerging readers, play the preceding game
with the purple-bordered cards. Find the missing
alphabet cookie. The player who has the most
cards at the end of the game wins.
If the spinner lands on put back, put one cookie
back in the cookie jar.
If the spinner lands on trade, either put one
cookie back in the cookie jar and take a new
one, or trade cookies with another player.
The first player to match all the letters on one
card wins.
Game 2 —Three in a Row
2–4 Players • Ages 4+ / Grades: PreK+
Variation: Try playing with the uppercase (blue) side
of the alphabet cards facing up.
Setup: Pass out two cards with orange borders to
each player. Use the number spinner. Make sure all
cookies are in the jar.
Game 3 —Fill in the Missing Letter
How to Play:
2–4 Players • Ages 4+ / Grades: PreK+
Spin the number spinner.
If you spin a 1 or a 2, take that number of
Setup: Pass out three cards with red borders to each
player. Use the number spinner.
alphabet cookies out of the jar. If the alphabet
How to Play:
Game 4 —Match a Beginning Sound
Spin the number spinner.
2–4 Players • Ages 5+ / Grades: K+
If you spin a 1 or a 2, take that number of alpha-
bet cookies out of the jar.
Setup: Put all the alphabet cookies face up in the
center of the play area.
Keep the alphabet cookie if it correctly fills the
blank on one of your cards. Turn the card over to
check the answer.
Pass out three cards with purple borders to each
player. Use the alphabet spinner.
If the spinner lands on put back, put one cookie
back in the cookie jar.
How to Play:
Spin the alphabet spinner. Take one alphabet
cookie from the center that matches any of the
letters from this section of the spinner.
If the spinner lands on trade, either put one
cookie back in the cookie jar and take a new one,
or trade cookies with another player.
Keep the alphabet cookie if it correctly fills the
blank on one of your cards. Turn the card over to
check the answer. Say the word.
The first player to fill all three blanks correctly
wins the game.
The first player to fill all three blanks correctly
wins the game.
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